Posted by on Sep 17, 2014 in Energies, True Self | 0 comments



As we enter the new age of accelerated and expanding new consciousness, I believe people are beginning to wake up.  However, with this accelerated pace, there is new energy to assimilate and process and this can cause much turmoil and pain, much confusion and angst as people feel the energy shifting their own energies and the energies around them.  They are finding it more and more difficult to ignore the yearning in their hearts for them to connect to who they truly are. On a conscious or unconscious level, people know that they need to reconnect to their True Self and start to live their life.  The sense of urgency and push – there is no other way – there is no choice – however is unsettling, challenging and ultimately frightening to some.  They KNOW they have to shift, to move but they cannot see how; they may feel they do not have the strength or the know how to do so.

But we do ultimately all have the power, the ability to do so – we do have the choice to return.  All we have to do is stop the endless chatter that is in our heads, that is in our lives.  We need to return to ourselves; to be in touch with our true authentic self and to just BE in this place.  It is not about the doing, the saying, the thinking – it is just about “being”.  And to BE – we have to ACCEPT.  We have to accept who we are; accept this is how it is and to TRUST that everything is for the highest good and what will be, will be. If we believe that everything happens for a purpose; everything is a reflection back of what we need to understand, then we can release our fears, our expectations, our wanting to compete, be the best, be the first and just know that all is as it should be.

By being in that space, then one can truly be reconnected to Self, to Heart, to Soul and from that place begin the journey of true purpose.  By being in true purpose, you can then understand who you truly are and to realise your full potential in this life.  Life then begins to flow with meaning, purpose, joy and love – and so on with the journey….