True Self – Part One – Introduction
TRUE SELF – INTRODUCTION The self is a complex and core subject and over the years the many varied concepts of Self have been much explored both through psychology and spirituality. In this article it is my intention to explore what TRUE SELF is and how we can lose that connection to True Self as we go through life. So, to begin, let’s look at what True Self is and explain more about Soul Purpose. What is True Self? We all have a sense of “Self”. When we are asked ‘Who are you?’ we will reply – ‘a mother’ or ‘a doctor’ or a...
WAKING UP – 2012 ENERGIES AND BEYOND As we enter the new age of accelerated and expanding new consciousness, I believe people are beginning to wake up. However, with this accelerated pace, there is new energy to assimilate and process and this can cause much turmoil and pain, much confusion and angst as people feel the energy shifting their own energies and the energies around them. They are finding it more and more difficult to ignore the yearning in their hearts for them to connect to who they truly are. On a conscious or...
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