Soul Transformation Healing

Soul Transformation Therapy is a healing system that helps to uncover and heal core issues that are blocking and preventing you from fully connecting and embracing your Soul Purpose and potential.
Using Soul Plan cards and chart that are aligned to the Soul Plan 22 energies, Sarah will help you to uncover those core issues and separation patterns and enable you to connect and then free the polarity sub personalities (operating consciously or unconsciously in each individual) which are holding you back in this life.
Once the core issue and story have been identified, there are several specifically designed healing interventions to clear the (separation) pattern including Archetype Integration work, Soul Trauma release, Soul Retrieval, Chord Balancing and Vow Breaking. This transformational therapy clears and heals blockages on many levels, including genetic, ancestral and past lives.


1 hour

  • Can be offered as a one-off or a series
  • Or can be incorporated as part of Holistic Counselling
  • Some people experience a healing shift within one session, some deeper belief systems require longer
  • 10% discount when booking 5 sessions
  • Concessionary Rates available