
One of the most accurate and precise readings I’ve ever had. If you ever get the chance have a Soul Plan Reading. Life changing and life affirming. Thank you Sarah!
(K Grace)
I have had a few sessions with Sarah and found each time we were able to uncover hidden blocks that had been holding me back from achieving certain goals. Sarah is such a kind, loving person. She immediately puts you at your ease and you know you are with someone with a high level of integrity that you can trust. If you have any question marks over whether to have a session I would definitely say go for it. Sarah has an unusual combination of being very grounded but at the same time highly intuitive.
Throughout my session I found Sarah to be extremely intuitive and empathic, accurately touching on the deeper currents in my life and giving me new perspectives on long-standing problems. I left feeling I had gained fresh insights into my situation and with a feeling of deep relaxation. Several positive images she described stayed with me for a long time afterwards.
(Ian W)
Every time I have a Psychic Reading with Sarah it is a revelation; I am amazed at her intuitiveness and the different pathways we end up exploring and how much clearer everything seems afterwards. It is always an interesting ‘journey’ and healing comes in different and unexpected ways. I have found it hugely beneficial many times in my life, usually when I am going through phases of change when one can get muddled by the detail and Sarah’s guidance is so valuable.
(Jo Gillett)
Sarah was very open to my shifts of energy and reactions, making me feel I was on a journey back home where I could start rebuilding broken pieces or finding missing ones to work on my personal puzzle.  She understood gifts, potential goals, blocking factors & their interaction not just as an alert & ‘in tune with you’ healer, but as someone I felt I could share my soul secrets with. I left the session with lots of tools to work on my life & plenty of warmth & light to fuel my journey from now on.. Grateful.”
(LG )
I have had readings from other people in the past but never one that touched me so deeply. My reading with Sarah was profound, illuminating and very powerful. Through the information she brought through, she has planted a seed of possibility within me that wasn’t there before and over a week later still feels very real.  While she was speaking I could see a green light around her left hand which was really relevant to the information she brought through. This reading was of a very high vibration energy, an indicator of how Sarah works from the heart with a high level of purity and integrity.
(KE )