Sarah was very open to my shifts of energy and reactions, making me feel I was on a journey back home where I could start rebuilding broken pieces or finding missing ones to work on my personal puzzle. She understood gifts, potential goals, blocking factors & their interaction not just as an alert & ‘in tune with you’ healer, but as someone I felt I could share my soul secrets with. I left the session with lots of tools to work on my life & plenty of warmth & light to fuel my journey from now on.. Grateful.”

Posted by on Nov 4, 2012 in | Comments Off on Sarah was very open to my shifts of energy and reactions, making me feel I was on a journey back home where I could start rebuilding broken pieces or finding missing ones to work on my personal puzzle. She understood gifts, potential goals, blocking factors & their interaction not just as an alert & ‘in tune with you’ healer, but as someone I felt I could share my soul secrets with. I left the session with lots of tools to work on my life & plenty of warmth & light to fuel my journey from now on.. Grateful.”